=== Plugin Name === Contributors: alexainternet Tags: alexa, analytics Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.0 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later This plugin allows you to easily certify your Wordpress blog on Alexa.com. == Description == The Official Alexa Wordpress Plugin makes it easy to certify your Wordpress site on Alexa.com. If you have an Alexa Pro subscription for your Wordpress site, this plugin makes it easy to add the Certify Code. To learn more about Certification and Alexa Pro, visit http://www.alexa.com/plans == Installation == To certify your site's metrics: 1. Upload the Official Alexa Wordpress Plugin to your site. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Visit http://www.alexa.com/account/sitesettings and click the "Certification Status" link. 4. Copy the Certify Code and paste it into the plugin. 5. Press Update. 6. Press "Scan My Site" on alexa.com. == Changelog == = 4.1.2 = Fix the PHP 7.0 compatibility issue = 4.1.1 = Fix the bug due to merge conflict = 4.1 = Certify endpoint updated to certify.alexametrics.com/atrk.gif = 4.0 = New Configuration UI Using Nonces for changing settings Sanitize, escape, and validate the POST calls for changing setting = 3.0 = Retiring Claim. This plugin no longer supports it. = 2.6 = Update installation/configuration instructions = 2.5 = Move certify code into head section = 2.0 = Major revisions throughout = 1.0 =